HyJavaImages Demo

the java api for highcharts

Web Application Demonstration

View a demonstration Java web application using the HyJavaImages library.

The HyJavaImages library allows you to generate chart images (PNG, JPEG, WEBP or PDF) on the server without a browser, all in Java.

The Java source code for the demo web application, including all chart examples is available from the Other Downloads page.


Note: the web application is a Java 17 application using v24 of the Vaadin Web App Platform running in a container on our servers.

The Java API’s fully support all chart types and chart options in Highcharts v5.x, v6.x, v7.x, v8.x, v9.x;  Highcharts Stock v8.x, v9.x and ApexCharts v3.x.

Current versions supported are:




Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaCharts v12.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaStock v11.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaApex v4.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaImages v2.x library