How do I download updates for my purchased products?

How do I download updates for my purchased products?

I purchased HyJavaCharts v10.1.0 and can now see there are more recent versions available.
How do I get the updates?

A HyJavaCharts v10.x.x license entitles you to free updates for all future HyJavaCharts v10.x.x releases.

Go to the Other Downloads page and click on Updates for licensed products.
Enter your email address and receipt number and you will be shown a list of available updates for your product.

Click on the Download button.

The Java API’s fully support all chart types and chart options in Highcharts v5.x, v6.x, v7.x, v8.x, v9.x;  Highcharts Stock v8.x, v9.x and ApexCharts v3.x.

Current versions supported are:




Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaCharts v12.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaStock v11.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaApex v4.x library

Explore a demo Java web application using the HyJavaImages v2.x library